Jan Saverys
Jan Saverys enjoyed the privilege of becoming acquainted with the cream of the Belgian art scene through his father Albert Saverys. The Flemish expressionists, including Constant Permeke, Frits Van den Berghe and Gust De Smet, were friends of his father’s. Under his father’s wings, Saverys started as an expressionist, but he quickly started working in a lyrical and abstract fashion through his training at the Parisian Academy of La Grande Chaumière.
His work is turbulent but harmonious, contains sombre or bright colors and was often painted with charcoal and coloured chalk on paper. More than half a century ago he belonged to the artistic innovators. Together with painters such as Roger Raveel, Saverys founded the La Relève group in 1948. In 1952 he was co-founder of Art Abstrait in Brussels, the group including amongst others Jo Delahaut and Pol Bury.