Michel Seuphor
About Michel Seuphor
Michel Seuphor, a pseudonym for Ferdinand Louis Berckelaers, was a Belgian abstract artist who lived and worked before World War II. He created abstract art in addition to publishing on the movement and its artists.
Seuphor completed his secondary studies at Onze-Lieve-Vrouwecollege (Antwerp) in 1918. He moved to Paris in 1925, where he met such avant-garde artists as Paul Dermée, Theo van Doesburg, Georges Vantongerloo, André Kertész, Hans Arp and Piet Mondrian in particular.
In 1929, Seuphor founded the art movement Cercle et Carré together with the Uruguayan painter Joaquín Torres García and the Spanish painter Pierre Daura.
His profound knowledge on abstract art led to two publications: Dictionnaire de la peinture abstraite (1957) and La peinture abstraite, sa genèse, son expansion (1962), in which he elaborated on his many discussions with artists and art dealers in Europe and the United States. He also published six novels.

Sol calix, facies ovum I
Michel Seuphor

« Les 64 Hexagrammes du Yi-King » No. 17
Michel Seuphor