
About the exhibition in Hasselt

The exhibition in Hasselt is a collaboration with Art Gallery De Mijlpaal, founded in 1993 and located in Heusden-Zolder.

De Mijlpaal deliberately works with established and young artists, and shows their work in exhibitions that start from a concept. With this tension between old and new, form and content, colour and sound De Mijlpaal is able to put itself on the map. De Mijlpaal also often acts as curator for extra muros exhibitions in historic buildings at home and abroad.

Untitled by Jo Delahaut

Jo Delahaut

Untitled by Jo Delahaut

Jo Delahaut

St-Etienne by Luc Peire

Luc Peire

Sol calix, facies ovum I by Michel Seuphor

Sol calix, facies ovum I
Michel Seuphor

Untitled by Victor Vasarely

Victor Vasarely

Untitled by Jean Dewasne

Jean Dewasne

Untitled by Jean Dewasne

Jean Dewasne

Untitled by Jean Dewasne

Jean Dewasne

Untitled by Stan Lowette

Stan Lowette

Untitled by Stan Lowette

Stan Lowette

Hoey by Trees De Mits

Trees De Mits

Hoey by Trees De Mits

Trees De Mits

Untitled by Trees De Mits

Trees De Mits

Walking lines by Trees De Mits

Walking lines
Trees De Mits

Melissa Officinalis II by Stéphanie Leblon

Melissa Officinalis II
Stéphanie Leblon

Hide the fragment by Lore Langendries

Hide the fragment
Lore Langendries

Survived 3 by Lore Langendries

Survived 3
Lore Langendries

Hunger of the Pine III by Kristof Vranken

Hunger of the Pine III
Kristof Vranken

Hunger of the Pine III by Kristof Vranken

Hunger of the Pine III
Kristof Vranken

Hunger of the Pine III by Kristof Vranken

Hunger of the Pine III
Kristof Vranken

Minotercerik by Nick Ervinck

Nick Ervinck

Sculpture by Nick Ervinck

Nick Ervinck

Untitled by Ann Van Hoey

Ann Van Hoey

How did you get in here #4 by Patrick Ceyssens

How did you get in here #4
Patrick Ceyssens

I don't know what it is #7 by Patrick Ceyssens

I don't know what it is #7
Patrick Ceyssens

In the way it has been seen #1 by Patrick Ceyssens

In the way it has been seen #1
Patrick Ceyssens

In the way it has been seen #2 by Patrick Ceyssens

In the way it has been seen #2
Patrick Ceyssens

In the way it has been seen #3 by Patrick Ceyssens

In the way it has been seen #3
Patrick Ceyssens

In the way it has been seen #7 by Patrick Ceyssens

In the way it has been seen #7
Patrick Ceyssens

In the way it has been seen #8 by Patrick Ceyssens

In the way it has been seen #8
Patrick Ceyssens

Untitled by Guy Baekelmans

Guy Baekelmans

Untitled by Guy Baekelmans

Guy Baekelmans

Zonder titel (Serie 'The House') by Karin Borghouts

Zonder titel (Serie 'The House')
Karin Borghouts

I 1962 by Camille van Breedam

I 1962
Camille van Breedam

XI1961 by Camille van Breedam

Camille van Breedam

1597 by Mark Verstockt

Mark Verstockt

Untitled by Nedda El-Asmar

Nedda El-Asmar