PLUS-ONE Projects

About PLUS-ONE Projects

PLUS-ONE Projects is a contemporary art gallery that represents and exhibits Belgian and international artists. Together with the artist, strategies are defined to bring the body of work to a new level. Occasionally, the gallery opt for the inclusion of older works and artist estates in exhibitions.
The gallery aims to build long-term relations with artists, collectors, institutes and other galleries. Moving away from a conventional competition-minded gallery model and creating collaborations with the focus on shared opportunities and networks.

PLUS-ONE Projects was founded in 2016 by Jason Poirier dit Caulier. The name '+1' stands for 'more': the gallery strives for more openness concerning collaboration, more transparency, more Antwerp, more adventure and long-term thinking.

The gallery has 2 public spaces located in the Antwerp Art & Museum district.

Contact PLUS-ONE Projects


New South
Leon Stynenstraat 21
2000 Antwerp

Vlaamse Kaai 74-75
2000 Antwerp

Opening hours

Tuesday - Sunday: 13:00 - 18:00
Closed on public holidays

Athena by Florian Tomballe

Florian Tomballe

Bearded man with laurel wreath by Florian Tomballe

Bearded man with laurel wreath
Florian Tomballe

Champion by Florian Tomballe

Florian Tomballe

Fighting Centaur by Florian Tomballe

Fighting Centaur
Florian Tomballe

Stretching athlete by Florian Tomballe

Stretching athlete
Florian Tomballe

Young man with hat by Florian Tomballe

Young man with hat
Florian Tomballe